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We are living through different and difficult times due to the COVID-19 virus, below are some agencies across the county and in Chesterfield who are offering support services to those who need help because they have been told to stay in due to health issues or are self-isolating. 


If you need help with the collection of prescription or shopping contact:-


Bolsover Support Team
01246 242424

Derbyshire Response Team
01629 535091

North East Derbyshire Support Team
01246 231111

Volunteer Centre Chesterfield
01246 276777

Derbyshire County Council
01629 533190 

Bolsover Council
01246 242424

Chesterfield Borough Council
01246 345345

North East Derbyshire District Council
01246 231111


Organisations that will offer support:-


Age Concern Chesterfield and District
01246 273333
Telephone Befriending Service

Age Uk Derby and Derbyshire

Head Office phone number:
01773 766922
Information and Advice phone number:
01773 768240



If you need advice about benefits, housing, consumer issues please contact:-

Citizens Advice Bureaux 
Chesterfield & Clay Cross

0300 456 8437
Derbyshire Districts
0300 456 8390
Universal Credit
0800 144 8444

Derbyshire Law Centre 
01246 550674
0800 707 6990
Text Box:
018001 01246 550674


Do you need to talk to someone?
Are you concerned that a child or vulnerable person is being abused?
Safeguarding Call Derbyshire

01629 533190


Do you need someone to talk because of suicidal thoughts?

116 123
Free call from a landline or mobile phone


Are you a child or person under 35 with suicidal thoughts?

0800 0684141 
07860 039967

email -


South Lodge

Boythorpe Avenue


S40 2BF

  • Facebook

BrightLife is the working name of the trading company  Age Concern Chesterfield and District 

Age Concern Chesterfield and District is a charity based in Chesterfield and is registered with the:-

Charity Commission - Number 1143993             Companies House - Number 7710836

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